Minutes of Core Group Meeting on December 11, 2012


Minutes of the Meeting of the Core Group of RuTAG - IITD held on 11th December, 2012 in the CRDT Committee Room, IIT Delhi.

A Meeting of the Core Group of RuTAG, IIT Delhi was held on 11th December, 2012 in the CRDT Committee Room, IIT Delhi under the chairmanship of Prof. R.R. Gaur. Following were present:

  1. Prof. R. R. Gaur, Chairman, Core Group, RuTAG, IIT Delhi.
  2. Major S. Chatterjee, Senior Project Consultant and Member, Core Group, Office of the PSA, Vigyan Bhavan Annexe, New Delhi.
  3. Prof. Satyawati Sharma, Head, Centre for Rural Development & Technology, IIT Delhi and Member, Core Group, RuTAG-IIT Delhi.
  4. Prof. P.M.V. Subbarao, PI of the Project on Technology Standardization and Testing cum Training Facility for Ultra-micro (Pico) Hydel Power Package for Rural Applications.
  5. Dr. Sudarshan Ghosh, Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT Delhi.
  6. Prof. Ajit Kumar, School of Engg. & Tech., IGNOU, Consultant, RuTAG, IIT Delhi.
  7. Shri Raj Kumar Gupta, Sr. Project  Assistant, RuTAG, IIT Delhi.
  8. Dr. Jagpal Singh, Senior Project Assistant, RuTAG, IIT Delhi.
  9. Prof. Rajendra Prasad, Coordinator/PI and Convener, Core Group. RuTAG, IIT Delhi. 

Prof. R. R. Gaur, Chairman, Core Group, RuTAG, IIT Delhi welcomed the participants and started the proceedings of the meeting.

Agenda item No. 1. : Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting of the Core Group:

The minutes of the meeting of the Core Group of RuTAG, IIT Delhi held on 29th March, 2012 were already circulated to all the members/participants. No comment had been received. The minutes of the last meeting were deemed as confirmed.  

Agenda item No. 2. :  Action Taken on the decisions taken in the last meeting of the Core Group of the RuTAG-IIT Delhi:

Prof. Rajendra Prasad made a power point presentation in which the decisions taken in the last meeting of Core Group was also covered.

Agenda item No. 3. :  Status of Completed Projects:

Prof. Rajendra Prasad apprised that the Final Report and accounts of the project on “Evaluation and Standardization of Animal Driven Water Pump” were submitted to the Office of PSA. Balance amount of Rs.23,365/- had been received and Accounts settled.

Regarding the project “Development of Biogas Diesel Engine Conversion Kit”, the accounts have been finalized and are being submitted to the Office of PSA for release of balance amount.

About the project “A comparative Study of Bullock Driven Tractors” the consolidated statement of accounts and UC is ready. The unspent amount of Rs. 32,566/- is being refunded to PSA/ DST through Demand Draft.

About the Project “Management Development Programme for Rural Enterprises”, the accounts are in progress of finalization.

The Chairman pointed out that these projects were completed long ago while the accounts of most of these projects are yet to be submitted to the Office of PSA. He asked the reasons of delay in finalization of accounts. Prof. Rajendra Prasad mentioned the reasons of delay in respect of each project. The Chairman suggested that accounts of the project should be compiled and maintained regularly and should not take that long. The position regarding Administration and Accounts of each project should be presented in the internal meetings of RuTAG. Prof. Rajendra Prasad indicated that the accounts will now be maintained in Excel by the office under the guidance of Prof. S.K.Saha.

Prof. Rajendra Prasad informed that Dr. Sudarshan Ghosh, Mechanical Engineering Department, is expert in Production Engineering. He is joining us in RuTAG team. Dr. Ghosh will take further the work Prof. S.K.Saha has started and also initiate new activities. Prof. Saha will be on Sabbatical leave from the Institute for a year, however, may be available for discussion and consultation off and on.

Prof. Rajendra Prasad introduced to Prof. Ajit Kumar, working with School of Engg. & Technology, IGNOU and informed that he has taken Sabbatical leave from IGNOU and joining us in RuTAG-IIT Delhi. He did his Ph.D. on Animal Power at IIT Delhi under Prof. R.R.Gaur. Since RuTAG is working on animal power, his expertise will be helpful in extending our activities related to animal power. The Committee extended warm welcome to Dr. Ghosh and Prof. Ajit Kumar for joining  RuTAG-IIT Delhi Team.

Prof. Rajendra Prasad also extended a warm welcome to Prof. Satyawati Sharma, Head, Centre for Rural Development & Technology, IIT Delhi and Member, Core Group, RuTAG-IIT Delhi.

Agenda item No. 4. :  Status of Ongoing projects:

Prof. P.M.V. Subbarao, PI of the project made a brief presentation about the ongoing Project on Technology Standardization and Development of Testing-cum-Training Facility for Ultra-micro Hydel Power Package for Rural Applications”.

He presented the final design of the project. He informed that the site was finalized at Micro Model. The project has delayed due to reasons like:

  1. The design of entire test unit was very complex and many meetings were held to finalize the model.
  2. Design and procurement of variable head tank took more time than expected.
  3. Finding the fabricators is becoming highly challenging.

The construction of underground water reservoir and drawings & designs of the various components have been completed. The work orders have been placed to the fabricators and the suppliers of the equipments. The duration of the project expired in July, 2012., Extension of project period up to 31st July, 2013 has been requested to complete the project

It is planned to undertake the fabrications and installation of equipment etc. simultaneously. Therefore, release of balance amount of Rs.6,70,000/-has been requested. He specifically requested Major S. Chatterjee to accord approval for extension of duration of the project. Major Chatterjee indicated that he will be out of office for a few days and Dr. Ketaki Bapat may be contacted to process the matter in the Office of PSA.

The Chairman indicated that the total duration of the project should be divided into steps. The detailed time schedule of all the projects should be prepared and followed.

Prof. Rajendra Prasad emphasized that broad road map of all the projects should be prepared and the time delineated for the project should be adhered.

Agenda item No. 5. :  Status of New Projects:

Prof. Rajendra Prasad stated that the Concept Notes on the following projects were submitted to the Office of PSA in the Meeting of RuTAG held on 23-5-2012 at Committee Room, Vigyan Bhavan Annexe, New Delhi:

  1. Utilization of the Standardized Animal Driven Gear Box for Multiple Rural Applications
  2. A Technology Package for Garlic Processing for Value Addition
  3. A Machine for De-husking of Minor Millets.
  4. Improved Design to Reduce Drudgery in Operation of the Human-operated Treadle Pump for Irrigation
  5. A Device for Making Tulsi Mala Beads.

The Committee had approved all the five projects. One more project on ‘Conversion of Old Automotive Petrol Engines into Biogas/Producer Gas Engines for Genset’ had been discussed and the Committee had suggested that a Concept Note may be submitted to the Office of the PSA. The Concept note on this project was submitted to the Office of the PSA.

Present status of the New Projects:

1. Utilization of the Standardized Animal Driven Gear Box for Multiple Rural Applications:

M/s Panchal Pumps Systems, Kanpur is installing Chaff cutter, Atta Chakki, Paddy thresher, Alternator for electricity generation, attachments etc. in the field, about 25 Kms. from Kanpur. These will be operated by ADPM standardized in RuTAG-IITD Project.

The technical details, drawings of these machines, shaft, bevel gear, bearings etc. have been obtained by IIT Delhi and are being checked for their technical soundness/appropriateness.

A team comprised of Dr. Ajit Kumar from IGNOU & Shri Raj Kumar Gupta from RuTAG-IITD visited Kanpur for on spot study and collecting the necessary information. Prof. Saha is providing technical guidance to Panchal Pumps.

Prof. Ajit Kumar stated that he saw the demonstration of Screw Pump, Chaff cutter and Paddy thresher operated by ADPM. Water is being lifted on low rpm by the ADPM. The Screw pump being used for water lifting with ADPM is very expensive. Centrifugal pump which is normally used for water lifting may be tried and tested adding one more gear in ADPM.

2. A Technology Package for Garlic Processing for Value Addition:

Machines developed by Department of Processing & Food Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering (CTAE), Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, Garlic Grader, Garlic bulb breaker, Garlic clove flaker, Dry Garlic de-skinner, Fresh Garlic clove peeler and installed for demonstration to the farmers at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Antah, Distt. Baran (Raj, had not been tested so far in field conditions for adoption by the rural entrepreneurs.

A training programme for farmers/entrepreneurs was organized by RuTAG-IIT Delhi from 28-9-12 to 01-10-12 at KVK Antah for the participants deputed by NGO – Paryavaran Parishad, Kota. A team from RuTAG-IITD participated in the same.    

Some problems were observed in operations of the machines. These were brought to the notice of MPUAT with suggestions for improvements. MPUAT has informed that the required improvements have been made in the next generation of machines available at MPUAT. Also recently the Govt. of Rajasthan has declared 75% subsidy on these machines. The formal letter was awaited. The farmers/entreprenurs will be taken to MPUAT, Udaipur by RuTAG-IIT Delhi. If satisfied, they may put orders for purchase of machines from the identified manufacturer.

3. A Machine for De-husking of Minor Millets:

A team from RuTAG-IIT Delhi visited Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan(VPKAS), Hawal Bagh, Almora on January 09-10, 2012 for testing the Vivek Thresher Cum Pearler for Minor Millets developed by VPKAS. It was observed that New Millet Dehuskar (Prototype) developed at VPKAS could solve the  problem of threshing and de-husking of all the minor millets being grown in Mahakaushal Region M.P. with some minor modifications which the team suggested to VPKAS  like to replace the electric motor from 5HP to 3HP as 3 HP Motor would run on single phase electric connection. VPKAS was requested to develop one modified Prototype Unit for RuTAG-IITD to be demonstrated in Mahakaushal Region of M.P..

This has been done and the improved machine was tested in front of the RuTAG-IITD Team at VPKAS, Hawalbagh, Almora on August 16-17, 2012. The machine was ready and could be used to conduct demonstration in the field. VPKAS had agreed to conduct demonstration/testing at Hawalbagh, Almora for the interested farmers/entrepreneurs of Mahakaushal Region. The NGO- Paryavaran Sanrakshan Evam Adivasi Vikas Kendra, Jabalpur has indicated to fix up the programme in January, 2013.

4. Improved Design to Reduce Drudgery in Operation of the Human-operated Treadle Pump for Irrigation:

The treadle pump has been installed at Micro Model for problems identification and testing. Some improvements have been made in the handle. Length of lever has been increased and movable paddles fixed. The position of paddle is to be changed by making holes at different distance in the lever to decide the correct length of the lever. The testing is going on.

Drawing of rubber washer was sent to a Company - Techno-Plastic & Rubber, Rajkot for sending quotations for supply of washer as per specifications along with the original washer. 

Existing Washer is to be tested; Possibility of replacing the existing washer with a different washer made-up of nylon tyre will be considered.

5. A Device for Making Tulsi Mala Beads:

The improved/modified device for making Tulsi Mala Beads was developed at IIT Delhi. The DC Motor is held and pushed forward and backward on the platform/guide made for the purpose. One model of improved device was handed over to Lupin Human Welfare & Rsearch Foundation on 10-10-2012 to collect feedback from the users. The users were very happy working on this improved device. One of the users - Smt. Omvati Devi of Nadbai village, District Bharatpur told that her family operates this device even for about 12 hrs a day without any tiredness and earn Rs.1100-1200/- per day while the earlier machine was giving only Rs.300-400/- per day and could not work more than eight hours a day.

The Device was demonstrated in the Vatsalya Mela organised on 15-11-2012 at Delhi Haat by the Ministry of Women and Child Welfare and was highly appreciated. . The Device was also demonstrated in National Fair – India Innovation Initiative, i3 2012 held on 3rd December 2012 at Nalanda Ground, IIT Delhi and appreciated by the visitors.

One more version has been developed for fixing on a table and to be operated sitting on a chair. A team from RuTAG-IITD will visit Bharatpur for collecting the reactions of the users about the performance in more details.

Major Chatterjee suggested uploading highlights of such achievements on the website.

It was indicated that complete story about each of the new projects will be sent to Major Chatterjee and the Chairman within a week.

6. Conversion of Old Automotive Petrol Engines into Biogas/Producer Gas Engines for Genset:

Major Chatterjee handed over a copy of the observations/comments of the experts received by the Office of PSA regarding the Concept Note on this project sent by RuTAG-IIT Delhi to PSA Office. The observations were taken note of by the Committee and accepted. The Committee felt that the other probability of diesel/petrol/kerosene engine to be converted to biogas can be probed, if found worthwhile.

Agenda item No. 6. :  Future Programmes:

Prof Rajendra Prasad mentioned that RuTAG-IIT Delhi has identified following problems which are to be addressed shortly.

  1. Increasing self-life of Amla fruits
  2. Technology for decortications of Khumani seeds
  3. Technology for Processing of Potatoes in to Potato Powder.
  4. Improvement of Agarbatti Stick Making Machine
  5. Improvement in Potters’ Wheel

RuTAG-IIT Delhi is planning to conduct workshops at following places in near future:

  1. Pratapgarh, U.P. - (Amla preservation)
  2. Almora, Uttarakhand- for Mahakaushal region of M..P( Minor Millets Processing)
  3. Bharatpur, Rajasthan - ( Feedback for Tulsi Mala  Beads Making Device)
  4. Kanpur  U.P.- (Animal driven devices)
  5. MPUAT, Udaipur Rajasthan - (Garlic Processing)

New problems could be identified in these workshops.

Prof. Ajit Kumar will visit the potential sites for installation of Animal Driven Water Pump.

The Action Plan for the next year (2013-14) will be prepared soon for submission to the office of PSA.

Major S. Chatterjee emphasized to prepare Concept note on new projects and submit to the office of PSA for consideration.

The Chairman suggested conducting the meeting of the Core Group within three months.  The next date of meeting may be fixed in March, 2013.

Prof Rajendra Prasad thanked the Chairman and all the members present and extended special thanks to Prof. Satyawati Sharma, Head, CRDT, Dr. Sudarshan Ghosh and Prof. Ajit Kumar for participating in the meeting.

Prof. Rajendra Prasad
Coordinator/PI, RuTAG-IITD
Prof.R.R. Gaur
Chairman,Core Group, RuTAG-IITD