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Minutes of Core Group Meeting on February 09, 2015
Minutes of the Meeting of the Core Group of RuTAG IIT Delhi held on February 09, 2015 in the CRDT Committee Room, Block-III, Room No. 290, IIT Delhi.
A Meeting of the Core Group of RuTAG IIT Delhi was held on February 09, 2015 in the CRDT Committee Room, IIT Delhi under the chairmanship of Prof. R. R. Gaur. Following people were present:
1. Prof. R. R. Gaur, Chairman, Core Group, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
2. Major S. Chatterjee, Senior Project Consultant and Member, Core Group, Office of the PSA, Vigyan Bhavan Annexe, New Delhi.
3. Prof. Rajendra Prasad, Co-PI. RuTAG IIT Delhi.
4. Dr. D. Raghunandan, CTD, New Delhi (NGO Expert)
5. Prof. Sangeeta Kohli, PI of the project on “Improvement of Furnace for Bangles Making and Improving the Working Conditions of Artisans.”
6. Dr. Jitendra P. Khatait, PI of the project on “Design of Treadle Pump using Solar Power.”
7. Dr. Ajit Kumar (IGNOU), PI of the project on “Improving the Design of Bullock Driven Tractor to make it more users friendly.”
8. Prof. Sanjeev Jain, Mech. Engg. Dept., IIT Delhi, invitee.
9. Mr. L. D. Kala, Associated with Ultra-Micro (Pico) Hydel Power Package for Rural Applications.
10. Mr. Satpal Yadav, Dahina, Rewari, Haryana (Field Expert)
11. Mr. Kanwar Singh, Dahina, Rewari, Haryana, associate with Mr. Satpal Yadav
12. Mr. Manjeet Kumar, Dahina, Rewari, Haryana, associate with Mr. Satpal Yadav
13. Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta, Senior Project Assistant, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
14. Mr. Davinder Pal Singh, Senior Project Assistant, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
15. Mr. Yashwant Prasad, M. Tech student, Mech. Engg. Dept., IIT Delhi.
16. Mr. Nikhilesh Bhakuni, Project Staff (on contract), RuTAG IIT Delhi.
17. Ms. Abhilasha Upadhyay, Project Staff (on contract), RuTAG IIT Delhi.
18. Mr. Mangal Sharma, Project Attendant, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
19. Prof. S. K. Saha, Coordinator/PI and Convener, Core Group, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
Prof. S. K. Saha, Coordinator/PI and Convenor, Core Group, RuTAG IIT Delhi welcomed the Chairman, Members of the Core Group and the participants. With the permission of the Chairman, Prof. Saha started the proceedings of the meeting.
Agenda item No. 1: Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting of the Core Group The minutes of the meeting of the Core Group of RuTAG IIT Delhi held on September 15, 2014 were already circulated to all the members/participants of the Core Group. No comment was received. Hence, the minutes of the last meeting were deemed as confirmed.
Agenda item No. 2: Reporting and planning of the activities since last meeting Prof. S. K. Saha presented the brief status of all the projects of RuTAG IIT Delhi. Detailed presentations were followed after this.
A. Status of all Projects:
1. Micro-hydel (PI: P.M.V. Subbarao): Technology Standardization and Development of Testing-cum-Training Facility for Ultra-Micro (Pico) Hydel Power Package for Rural Applications Since Prof. P.M.V. Subbarao was not available, Mr. Kala explained about the work done after PRMC meeting. Work included changing the angle of bend of open penstock, reducing the gap between floor and blades of undershoot turbine, coupling of gearbox and alternator with undershoot turbine and installation of control panel. \
Decision: The Chairman insisted to speed up the pending work of vertical turbine, horizontal turbine (overshoot and undershoot) and PAT. He also insisted on discussing the valid testing parameters/data in person with him. He also mentioned that to observe all the modifications suggested, RuTAG core group members must visit the facility in the last week of February. The project report should be submitted to the Office of the PSA by 20 Feb. 2015.
2. Bangles Making (PI: S. Kohli, Co-PIs: M. R. Ravi, S. K. Saha): Improvement of Furnace for Bangles making and improving the working conditions of Artisans
Mr. Davinder Pal Singh explained about the work done since last core group meeting. He told that after the casting of furnace it was decided to have single flat bottom crucible in the centre of the furnace so that short-circuiting of the flame can be avoided. However, after conducting a number of experiments, it was observed that the single crucible has a high thermal inertia and also prevented the flame from reaching the upper part of the dome leading to very long preheat time. Material with which the furnace had been made also has high thermal inertia. Moreover, the primary air was found to be insufficient but excess of secondary air was entering the furnace thereby increasing the pre-heat time. To rectify these problems, the single crucible was replaced by individual crucibles made of alumina bricks positioned near each opening in the same manner as in the existing furnace. This helped the flame reach the entire dome. Two alumina bricks were placed just below the top opening of the furnace to avoid short-circuiting of the flue gases. The primary air openings below the grate were increased. The furnace was pre-heated by closing most of the working windows to restrict the secondary air entry. With these changes, glass temperature up to 916oC was attained and glass was melted in all the crucibles. Further, Prof. Sangeeta Kohli added that improvements in the furnace are underway to ensure that during the operation, right amounts of primary and secondary air can be allowed to enter the furnace so as to sustain the high temperature required. She also told that the project was officially completed on Jan. 31, 2015 and needs an extension for six months.
Decision: The Chairman suggested that furnace must also be tested with the powdery biomass, i.e., the same fuel which is used by the villagers. He also mentioned an alternative for insulating existing furnace in the village. The extension till July 31, 2015 was agreed.
Seating arrangement and tools design:
Mr. Davinder Pal Singh told the committee that two chairs which were sent to Bharatpur had been accepted by the artisans positively, and the newly fabricated Kalbhoot will be tested in the Micro-model lab once the furnace testing is completed.
Decision: The Chairman praised the above said work.
3. BDT (PI: Ajit Kumar, IGNOU): Improving the Design of Bullock Driven Tractor to make it more users friendly Prof. Ajit Kumar told the committee that modifications suggested from the observations taken during the field visit at Dahina Village on April 29, 2014 have been incorporated. Modifications such as comfortable seat, universal joint have been fabricated and installed. The BDT is now ready for second field testing. He expressed the need to develop and fabricate the newly designed BDT, which will be having winch system for the lifting mechanism, an axle, leaf springs and hub.
Decision: The Chairman suggested that modified BDT must be tested in IIT before sending it to the field. He mentioned that fabric of the seat must be weather resistant. He also mentioned that newly designed BDT must be fabricated and field tested before March 31, 2015, i.e., before the completion of the project deadline.
4. Solar Treadle Pump (PI: Viresh Dutta): Design of Treadle Pump using Solar Power. Since Prof. Viresh Dutta was not available, Prof. S. K. Saha gave the introduction of the project and indicated the change of PI for the above project. From now on Dr. Jitendra Khatait will be the PI, and Prof. Viresh Dutta will be Co-PI. Prof. Saha explained the visit of four people to, “Innovation to Impact,” IDEI centre in Bhubaneswar on October 28, 2014. Further, Dr. Khatait explained in detail about the ongoing testing of the prototype of Solar Treadle pump sent by the IDEI.
Decision: The Chairman had few observations on the working of the prototype sent by the IDEI. He mentioned that prototype must be modified to work satisfactorily. A fly wheel and other required components should be incorporated for its proper functioning. He also indicated that real utility of the system must be studied from broader applications point of view. He also mentioned to conduct comprehensive test studying all the parameters and also different mechanisms adopted to draw water out of ground using solar energy.
5. Sheep Hair Shearing machine (PI: Prof. S. K. Saha): Adaptation of Sheep-hair Shearing Machine Developed by IIT Delhi Prof. S. K. Saha told the committee that the developed device has been demonstrated to the field agency at IIT Delhi. The collaborative field agency is expected to arrange
a field visit in the month of April 2015. Decision: No explicit decision was taken as no field test was done.
Completed Projects
1. Treadle Pump (PI: S. K. Saha): Improved Design to Reduce Drudgery in Operation of the Human-operated Treadle Pump for Irrigation Prof. Saha told the committee that this project was completed in Mar. 31, 2013. Six treadle pumps have been fabricated by the collaborative agency. Two of them have been installed in the field and will be tested in the coming months. PCRA showed interest in installing about 200 treadle pumps in rural areas with the collaborative agency. Hence, the agency is planning to submit a project to PCRA in which RuTAG IIT Delhi will provide technical help. IDEI, New Delhi is also testing the treadle pump in their R&D centre in Bhubaneswar.
Decision: Committee praised the work.
2. ADPM Applications (PI: S. K. Saha): Utilization of the Standardized Animal Driven Gear Box for Multiple Rural Applications Prof. Saha told the committee that this project was completed in Mar. 31, 2014. A team of three persons from RuTAG IIT Delhi project visited Karoli village in Kanpur on March 28, 2014, conducted experiment collected data and suggested modifications. He also told that the modified arrangement of the ADPM applications have been installed at Muradipur village (60km from Kanpur, U.P.). Decision: Prof. R.R. Gaur added that follow-up strategy for the developed technology must be chalked out since it is a mandate of RuTAG to bring out the clear status of the disseminated technology. He also mentioned that M/s Panchal Pumps must be contacted for low rpm alternator, as Dahina village is interested in installing such system.
3. Fruwash machine: (PI: H. M. Chawla): Facilitating the Use of ‘Fruwash’ Technology for Extending Shelf Life of Fruits and Vegetables Since Prof. H. M. Chawla was not available, Prof. Saha told the committee that this project was completed in June 30, 2014. A workshop was organised in Pratapgarh, U.P. on Dec. 23-25 2014 for commissioning of the machine and to give hands on experience to the farmers and traders at Pratapgarh. Two persons from RuTAG and two persons from Chemistry Department visited Pratapgarh. Forty litres of Fruwash were purchased from Prof. H. M. Chawala for demonstration at Pratapgarh. Mr. Davinder Pal Singh gave details of the visit at Pratapgarh. He also mentioned the participation of 3 persons from RuTAG IIT Kanpur and 4 persons from G. B. Panth Social Science Institute Allahabad. He mentioned about the other preservation techniques such as water, KMS (Potassium Metaboisulfite) etc. which are commonly used by the local industries to increase the shelf life of Amala.
Decision: Chairman praised the above said work and suggested to find the other applications of the machine developed by RuTAG IIT Delhi.
B. Workshops:
I. Akhil Bhartiya Vanvasi Kalyaan Ashram (ABVKA) Jashpur Nagar, Chattisgarh on June 3-4, 2014
Prof. Saha explained about the workshop in Jashpur Nagar held during June 02–04, 2014. He told that 2-3 organizations were interested with IIT Delhi’s technologies, e.g., Micro-hydel, Treadle pumps and ADPM.
II. RuTAG-IIT Delhi Regional Workshop at State Resource Centre, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur, Rajasthan on November 6, 2014 Prof. Saha told that RuTAG IIT Delhi successfully conducted a regional workshop on November 6, 2014 at State Resource Centre, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur, Rajasthan with the help of Indian Institute of Rural Development (IIRD), Gaj Path, opposite Fun Kingdom Mansarovar, Jaipur. The program was attended by about 46 participants from about 21 NGOs, 3 Faculty members, 3 Ph.D, 3 M. Tech., and 12 B. Tech. Students form MNIT Jaipur and 4 RuTAG team members. He also told that problems heard during the workshop are under consideration. Prof. S. K. Saha mentioned that technologies from both the workshop have been shortlisted and follow up plan have been charted out. A workshop follow-up meeting has been organised on February 25, 2015 (Wednesday) at 11:00 AM in the CRDT Committee Room (Block III, Room 290) for detailed discussion with the following shortlisted NGOs.
1. Mr. Bhupindra K. Paliwal (Ram Krishna Jaidayal Dalmia Seva Sansthan, Shri Ramkrishna Dalmia, Chirawa, Rajasthan)
2. Mr. Arvind K. Ojha (URMUL Rural Health, Research and Development Trust, URMUL Bhawan, Bikaner, Rajasthan)
3. Mr. Nakhatdan Detha (Seemant Kishan Sahyog Sansthan, Jaislmer, Rajasthan)
4. Mr. Santosh Khare, M. P. Vigyan Sabha (MPVS), Chhattisgarh
Decision: The Chairman praised the work and indicated the need for sensitising the IIT Delhi faculty for the work on rural development. He also mentioned the need for organising an orientation programme for the IIT Delhi faculty.
III. Proposed Workshop:
Prof. S. K. Saha mentioned that a workshop has been tentatively proposed in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh in the month of March 2015.
C. Training:
RuTAG IIT Delhi is planning a five days training programme regarding the sanitary napkin. Total 7 persons will be attending the training programme (four women from Lupin Foundation, Bharatpur, one from Kalamandir, Jamshedpur, one from National Industrial Training and Consultancy (NITCO), Jammu and one from URMUL Rural Health, Jaipur). They are expected to attend the training programme around March 15-30, 2015.
D. Reporting:
i) Papers Presented in Year 2014-2015
1. Prof. S. K. Saha and Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta attended the “Indo-Dutch International conference on Design” at Indian Institute of Science IISc. Bangalore held during July 12- 14, 2014. Prof. Saha presented a paper on “Technical Interventions for the Empowerment of Rural Women: A Case study with the Manufacturing of Beads from Holy Basil (Tulasi)” authored by Raj Kumar Gupta, Mangal Sharma, Subir Kumar Saha, Rajendra Prasad, Rishi Raj Gaur, Jagpal Singh. The paper was accepted to appear in the special book on the compilation of presented papers.
2. Mr. Davinder Pal Singh attended the 3rd National Rural Management Symposium on “Rural Entrepreneurship and Enterprise for Inclusive Growth” at KIIT School of Rural Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar held on November 20-21, 2014. Mr. Davinder Pal Singh presented a paper on “Technology Up gradation and Entrepreneurial Diffusion through Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG) of IIT Delhi” authored by Davinder Pal Singh, Raj Kumar Gupta, Mangal Sharma, Sabyasachi Chatterjee, Subir Kumar Saha.
3. Mr. Davinder Pal Singh and Mr. Shrey Gulati attended the Third International Conference on “Creativity and Innovations at Grassroots” at Indian Institute of
Management Ahmedabad held during January 19-22, 2015. Mr. Davinder Pal Singh and Mr. Shrey Gulati presented a paper on “Design of an Efficient and Ergonomic Bangle-Making Furnace and Tools” authored by Davinder Pal Singh, Shrey Gulati, Subir Kumar Saha, M. R. Ravi, Sangeeta Kolhi.
ii) RuTAG Club at IIT Delhi:
Prof. S. K. Saha told the committee about the RuTAG club orientation programme organised on September 5, 2014. He told that around 70 student took part in the orientation programme. He also mentioned that PSA Dr. R. Chidambaram has also praised about the Club by mentioning, “Innovative way of involving students” in the Newsletter of 2015. The chairman appreciated the effort to bring out the newsletter, and congratulated the team in RuTAG IIT Delhi.
E) Future Projects:
Prof. S. K. Saha explained about the tentative future projects to be taken up which are listed in Appendix-I
New proposal:
Testing and Evaluation of Amber Charkha improved by IIT Kharagpur Prof. Saha told that project on the evaluation of Amber Charkha which was raised by
Dr. Ketaki Bapat. Ambar charkha developed by RuTAG IIT Kharagpur has been installed in the Textile Department of IIT Delhi. Prof. Chattopadhaya has expressed his willingness to take up this project.
Decision: The chairman shared his experience on the Amber Charkha. He mentioned that before concretizing the project a brainstorming session between the Chairman, Prof. S.K. Saha and Prof. Chattopadhaya must be arranged.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks.
(Prof. S. K. Saha)
Coordinator/PI, RuTAG-IITD
Appendix - I
Tentative Future Projects
1. Electrically driven mechanical clippers for the removal of the hairs of sheeps and goats. [Concept Note already submitted to PSA office]
2. Further improvement in the device for the Tulsi Mala beads (mainly of bigger sizes): Requirement from Lupin Foundation, Bharatpur.
3. Loom for Dari making in Rajasthan.
4. Low cost PVC and HDPE pipes for micro-irrigation systems. Clogging free dripper for smooth running of micro-irrigation systems and rat and bird proof pipes for microirrigation.
5. Sensor based-fluoride and nitrate testing device (like TDS meter). Chlorination of stored water Govt. buildings and quantification of agriculture water.
6. Solar light embedded in helmet. Rain Water Harvesting. Development of low cost water storage tanks. Establishment of workshop with equipment to manufacture solar lartern and enhance the life of solar lartern and cost reduction.
7. Ground nut extracting device. Business module for Ceramic clay which is available in abundance in that region. De-silting of canals and Sheep hair shearing device.
8. Cotton extracting machine. Paddy transplanting machine at low cost. Management Training Programmes: As recommended by the review committee at least
one such programme will be conducted in a year.
More Information can be found from here: