Minutes of Core Group Meeting on March 15, 2017


Minutes of the Core Group Meeting of RuTAG IIT Delhi held on March 15, 2017 in the Mechanical Engineering Committee Room, Block-II, Room No. 265, 1st Floor, IIT Delhi

March 27, 2017

A meeting of the Core Group of RuTAG IIT Delhi was held on March 15, 2016 in the Mechanical Engineering Committee Room, IIT Delhi, under the Chairmanship of Prof. R. R. Gaur. Following were present:

Prof. R. R. Gaur, Chairman, Core Group, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
Major S. Chatterjee, Senior Project Consultant and Member, Core Group, Scientific Consultant, Office of the PSA, Vigyan Bhavan Annexe, New Delhi.
Prof. S. K. Saha, Coordinator/PI and Convener, Core Group, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
Mr. Amar Pal Singh, Head Corporate Affairs, Communications and CSR, L&T NPL Rajpura, Punjab.
Dr. Arun Kumar, President, Development Alternatives (NGO Expert).
Mr. S. R. Azad, Secretary, Madhya Pradesh Vigyan Sabha (MPVS), Bhopal, M. P. (NGO Expert).
Mr. Hemant Sharma, Lupin Human Welfare & Research Foundation, Bharatpur, Rajasthan (NGO Expert).
Mr. Yogeshwar Kumar, Jan Samarth, Delhi (Field Expert).
Prof. Sangeeta Kohli, PI of the project entitled “Improvement of Furnace for Bangles Making and Improving the Working Conditions of Artisans.”
Prof. M. R. Ravi, Co-PI of the project entitled “Improvement of Furnace for Bangles Making and Improving the Working Conditions of Artisans.”
Prof. A. K. Gosain, PI of the project entitled “Design and Development of a Low Cost Ground Water Level Measuring Device.”
Prof. Ajit Kumar, PI of the project entitled “Improving the Design of Bullock Driven Tractor to Make It More User Friendly.”
Dr. Deepak Kumar, Co-PI of the project entitled “Dissemination of Low Cost Sheep Hair Shearing Device Developed by IIT Delhi.”
Dr. Ghazala Habib, Civil Engineering Department, IIT Delhi.
Dr. Vinay Gupta, PI of the project entitled “Improvement in the Batasha Making Process.”
Mr. Davinder Pal Singh, Project Associate, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta, Senior Project Assistant, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
Mr. Suraj Bhat, Research Scholar, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
Mr. Ganesh Kumar Sharma, M Tech Student, ITMMEC, IIT Delhi.
Mr. Mangal Sharma, Project Attendant, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
Mr. Keshava Giri, On Contract, RuTAG IIT Delhi.
Mr. Srijan Prabhakar, Project Assistant of the project entitled “Dissemination of Low Cost Sheep Hair Shearing Device Developed by IIT Delhi”.
Prof S. K. Saha welcomed the Chairman, and the Members of the Core Group and other participants. With the permission of the Chairman, he started the proceedings of the meeting. 

Agenda item No. 1: Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting of the Core Group
The minutes of the meeting of the Core Group of RuTAG IIT Delhi held on August 17, 2016 were already circulated to all the members/participants of the Core Group. No comments were received. Hence, the minutes of the last meeting were deemed as confirmed.

A. Status of On-going Projects
i. Improvement of Furnace for Bangles Making and Improving the Working Conditions of Artisans.
PI: Prof. S. Kohli, Co-PIs: Prof. M. R. Ravi and Prof. S. K. Saha

Mr. Davinder Pal Singh informed that furnace was transported to Unch village on October 7, 2016. Unfortunately, during transportation huge crack was developed in the furnace and while fixing the furnace to the constructed bed, the inner core of the furnace made of clay collapsed. The new clay core for the furnace has been fabricated at the vendor’s end and will be transported to Unch village soon.

Prof. M. R. Ravi added that he visited the vendor’s unit and inspected the clay furnace which he found satisfactory. He also mentioned that fixing of inner and outer industrial insulation is pending and will be starting soon. He also mentioned that to further reduce the cost and to avoid the usage of clay furnace, and to avoid recurring maintenance he ordered a steel furnace which will also be transported to Unch village soon. He requested for an extension of the project till July 31, 2017.

Mr. Hemant Sharma told the committee that after successful commissioning of the improved furnace, Lupin foundation will devise a strategy for replacement of all the existing old furnaces in 12 clusters with new improved furnace designed by RuTAG IIT Delhi. Decision: The Chairman suggested that there is a strong need to follow-up this project for replication. The concerned NGO (Lupin Foundation) must be consulted to discuss the issue of the cost incurred during modification of the furnace and also for the commitment and assurance for replication and promotion of the improved furnace. The extension till July 31, 2017 was approved.

ii. “Dissemination of Low Cost Sheep Hair Shearing Device Developed by IIT Delhi.”
PI: Prof. S. K. Saha, Co-PIs: Prof. D. Ravi Kumar, ME, IIT Delhi, Dr. Deepak Kumar, ITMMEC, IIT Delhi

Prof. S. K. Saha told the committee that after the two successful workshops for adaptation of the device developed by IIT Delhi in the remote villages of Uttrakhand. The project was sanctioned by the Central Wool Development Board (CWDB), Jodhpur to IIT Delhi for indigenous manufacturing of complete set of motor, hand piece, flexible drive, comb and cutter, etc. Various vendors for the above said components were identified and allotted work for fabrication. One set of motor and flexible drive along with three sets of comb and cutter have been manufactured and field tested on October 24-26, 2016 at Palampur, Himachal Pradesh and on February 28 to March 1, 2017 at Una, Himachal Pradesh. One more set of combs and cutters has been developed by another vendor using a different fabrication technique and will be tested soon in the coming months. Casting Die for hand piece barrel and other critical components progress of under development.

Dr. Deepak Kumar shared the experience of his visit to Una, Himachal Pradesh on February 28 to March 1, 2017. He mentioned various shortcomings in the newly fabricated combs and cutters, and proposed the remedy in future prototypes.

Mr. Yogeshwar Kumar applauded the work done by the team of RuTAG IIT Delhi. He mentioned to consider Uttarakand for future testing of prototypes. He also mentioned to rectify minor problems especially of pinching occurring in the Combs and Cutters during previous workshops in Uttarakhand. 

Decision: Chairman appreciated the work done by RuTAG and Sheep Shearing team.

iii. Design and Development of a Low Cost Ground Water Level Measuring Device.
PI: Prof A. K. Gosain, Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi

Prof. A. K. Gosain told that field testing of fabricated and imported contactless device was completed successfully in Chirawa district on July 06, 2016. Testing was satisfactory. The concerned NGO has appreciated the working of new device and submitted the report of various monitoring wells in the Chirawa District. He mentioned that his team has developed an indigenised contactless device at the cost of Rs.20,000. Also they have launched a company under TBIU at IIT Delhi which will be focusing on manufacturing and marketing of the above said product. He also mentioned that they are considering IPR for the above said product. Since the testing of newly developed contactless device is pending, an extension till July 31, 2017 is required to complete the said activities.

Mr. S. R. Azad added that the above said devices are under constant demand from various ground water measuring agencies and his organisation Madhya Pradesh Vigyan Sabha (MPVS), Bhopal can help in promoting this device through its program of Farm Tool Depot in Muraina, Madhya Pradesh. He also mentioned the role of NABARD in promoting watershed management where the said product can be promoted.

Dr. Arun Kumar further added that the said device could be helpful for the agencies who are working in the watershed management.

Decision: Chairman appreciated the work and told that first phase of design development and testing of manual ground water measuring device can be considered closed. However, effort is needed to identify a manufacturer and stake holders. Extension for the second phase of the project, i.e., design and development of indigenous contactless device for measuring ground water level till July 31, 2017 was approved.

B. New Projects likely to be taken up

i. Design and Development of efficient and less Polluting Potters Kiln Furnace at Bharatpur (Prof. M. R. Ravi, ME, IIT Delhi):

Prof. M. R. Ravi told that the problem came from Lupin Foundation, Bharatpur. Three B. Tech Students along with Mr. Satendra Rana an Ex-Student of IIT Delhi and Mr. Davinder Pal Singh visited Bharatpur and Kauruli on February 25, 2017 to collect the data related to the existing furnace at Unch village in Bharatpur. A Concept Note has been submitted.

Decision: Chairman approved the Concept Note.

ii. Improvements to the Batasha and Gajak making Stove at Karauli, Bharatpur, Rajasthan (Prof. M. R. Ravi and Prof. S. Kohli, ME., IIT Delhi):

Prof. M. R. Ravi told that the problem came from Society for Sustainable Development, Karauli, Bharatpur. Three B. Tech Students along with Satendra Rana an Ex Student of IIT Delhi and Mr. Davinder Pal Singh has visited Kauruli on February 24, 2017 to collect the data related to the existing furnace at Unch village, Bharatpur. A Concept Note has been submitted.

Decision: Chairman approved the Concept Note.

iii  Improvement in the Batasha Making Process (Dr. Vinay Gupta, HoD, IEC, Noida, Uttar Pradesh):

Dr. Vinay Kumar mentioned that he has visited the Batasha making units near Noida and tried to mechanise the process though one of the B. Tech projects floated for his students. The project remained unsuccessful. Therefore, he would like to undertake a survey at various Batasha making units to identify the problems and possible solutions. A concept note has been submitted.

Mr. S. R. Azad added that his organization would like to provide handholding to understand this problem exclusively for reducing the drudgery in making Gazzak and Batasha. His organisation can arrange a visit to few clusters in Madhya Pradesh.

Decision: Chairman mentioned for an extensive study to evaluate the problem along with the concerned NGO. Concept Note was approved.

iv. Design of an LPG-fired Pottery Kiln for the Pottery Cluster at Uttam Nagar, Delhi 
(Prof. M. R. Ravi and Prof. S. Kohli, ME, IIT Delhi):

Prof. M. R. Ravi told that the problem came from Native Roots (Mr. R. N. Mishra), Janakpuri, Delhi. He, Mr. Davinder Pal Singh, Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta visited the cluster on February 22, 2017 to observe the situation of the potters after the probation of kiln usage in that area. An LPG fired furnace is proposed by the Pradhan of the area Mr. Hari. A concept note has been submitted. 

Decision: Chairman approved the Concept Note.

v. Proposal for providing contemporary design opportunities and business models for Bharatpur Marble Works (Dr. Jyoti Kumar, IDDC, IIT Delhi):

Prof. Saha explained on behalf of Dr. Jyoti Kumar due to his absence. Prof. Saha mentioned that student has visited stone carving units in Baharatpur, Rajasthan and will be suggesting designs to various artefacts made using stones. A concept note will be submitted soon.

Decision: Chairman applauded the intention of work, and approved the project.

vi. Solution to Problems Related Stone Dust During Stone Carving and Stone Mining:
(Prof. M. R. Ravi, ME; Dr. Ghazala Habib, Civil, IIT Delhi):

Prof. M. R. Ravi mentioned that the problem was raised during the Regional Workshop at Bharatpur on Dec. 29, 2016. Mr. Suraj Bhat, research scholar, RuTAG IIT Delhi along with Mr. Davinder Pal Singh have visited Kauruli on February 24, 2017 to observe the situation of mine workers in Makanpur village (20 km away from Karauli). He mentioned that Dr. Ghazala Habib has done work in this area, and will be joining the RuTAG team to finding appropriate solutions. A concept note will be submitted soon. Dr. Ghazala Habib further added that she would like to study the particle size of dust related to stone carving and mining. Also she would study the pressure drop in using face mask, etc.

Dr. Arun Kumar emphasized that earlier attempts to introduce masks to workers failed miserably in last 10-15 years. He suggested to explore working box or similar type for the purpose.

Decision: Chairman appreciated the intention of work and welcomed Dr. Gazala to RuTAG team for finding appropriate solution. He also advised to submit a concept note related to the said problem after taking into comments made during the meeting.

2. Discussion with L&T for Possible Projects at Rajpura, Punjab.

Mr. Amar Pal Singh presented various activities undertaken by Nabha Power Limited, a subsidiary of Larsen and Toubro at Rajpura. He mentioned the focus areas of L&T under CSR activities and how it is impacting 49 adopted villages in infrastructure development, skill development, and entrepreneur development. He offered few areas for intervention by RuTAG IIT Delhi. They are for curbing stubble burning by farmers, flyash based technologies, waste water management at village level and farm/crop waste management, etc. He also mentioned the success of recently held workshop to sensitize sarpanchs of 49 villages and to introduce the activities undertaken by RuTAG IIT Delhi for rural development.

Decision: Chairman emphasised that L&T should appreciate the mandate of RuTAG IIT Delhi. Technologies developed can be adopted immediately and if some existing technologies need upgradation, the same can be taken up by RuTAG. He welcomed the cooperation between L&T and Development Alternators (DA) for flyash bricks.

3. Reporting

i. RuTAG IIT Delhi’s Regional Workshop held at Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation, Bharatpur, Rajasthan on December 29, 2016.

Pro. S. K. Saha told the committee that RuTAG IIT Delhi conducted a regional workshop on December 29, 2016 at Hotel Kadamb Kunj, Bharatpur, Rajasthan. Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation, Bharatpur helped in organising the workshop. The program was attended by about 52 participants which included Dr. Narindera Kumar Gupta, IAS District Collector, Bharatpur, Prof. R. R. Gaur, Hon. Visiting Professor, NRCVEE, IIT Delhi and Chairman, Core Group, RuTAG IIT Delhi, Prof. M. R. Ravi, Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, Mr. Sita Ram Gupta, Executive Director, Lupin Human Welfare and Research Foundation, Bharatpur, Mr. Yogendra Singh, Joint Director, Animal Husbandary, Mr. Pramod Paliwal, IIRD, Jaipur, Mr. Abhay Kumar Singh, DDM, NABARD, Mr. Varindera Singh, District Industries Officer, DIC, Bharatpur, three faculty members from Government Engineering College, Bharatpur, three faculty members from Chandravati Group of Institution, Bharatpur and about 25 NGOs.

ii. Meeting of Central Project Evaluation Committee (CPEC) on February 14, 2017 at NRCVEE Committee Room, Block V, 3rd Floor, Room 401, IIT Delhi.

Prof. S. K. Saha told that the Office of the PSA conducted CPEC meeting on February 14, 2017 at NRCVEE Committee Room, Block V, 3rd Floor, Room 401, IIT Delhi. Dr. R. Chidambaram, PSA to the GOI, Secretary, DoNER, Mr. Naveen Verma, Joint Secretary, DoNER, Mr. Pradhan and Secretary to the PSA Dr. Basu, Prof. M. Balakrishnan, Deputy Director (S&P), IIT Delhi, Chairman, CPEC Dr. S. Ayyapan, Dr. Keitaki Bapat, Major S. Chatterjee, members from other RuTAG centres, and other committee members participated. The focus of the meeting was promoting RuTAG technologies for the North
East Region.

3.1 Visits:

3.1.1 Prof. B. P. Patel and Mr. Prabhat Kumar visited Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Bhavnagar during December 20-21, 2016 to collect information on Salt Iodization Plant. Based on the visit no need to develop smaller sized unit was realized. Hence, no further action is required.
3.1.2 RuTAG IIT Delhi Team visited M/s. Santosh Brothers International, Bulandshahr for BDT inspection on January 13, 2017 and conducted the field test of BDT.
Dr. Arun Kumar added that a leaflet along with a small video clip must be developed for the advertisement of these technologies and more efforts should be made for dissemination.
Prof. Ajit Kumar added that a comprehensive field testing is required. He also mentioned that an awareness program or a workshop must be conducted in an area where the shown interest level of farmers towards utilization of draught bullocks for farming.
Mr. Azad added that he will hold a workshop in Madhya Pradesh to sensitize poor and marginal farmers.

3.1.3 Society for Sustainable Development, Karauli and Lupin Foundation, Bharatpur on Feb. 23-25, 2017 by seven students of IIT Delhi and one project staff from RuTAG IIT Delhi for field survey of Batasha Furnace, Potters Kiln and Stone Mines.

3.2 Exhibitions:
3.2.1 CII AGRO TECH 2016 at Chandigarh on November 17-22, 2016.
Mr. Davinder Pal Singh attended the above said exhibition at Chandigarh.
3.2.2 India International Science Festival (IISF) 2016 at NPL, PUSA, New Delhi on December 07-11, 2016.
Mr. Davinder Pal Singh, Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta, Mr. Mangal Sharma, Mr. Prabhat Kumar and Mr. Srijan Kumar attended the above said exhibition and RuTAG exhibited its prototypes. RuTAG IIT Delhi was awarded the best stall under Unnat Bharat Abhyan gallery.
3.2.3 International Conference on Robotics and Automation for Humanitarian Applications (RAHA) 2016 at Amrita University, Kerala on December 18-20, 2016.
Prof. S K. Saha, Mr. Davinder Pal Singh, Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta, Mr. Sasanka Sinha attended the above said conference in Amritapuri at Kerala. RuTAG IIT Delhi exhibited its prototypes there. Tulsi mala making device was given to the management of Amrita University by RuTAG IIT Delhi for use in the clusters of AMACHI Lab.
3.2.4 Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Science Congress, Jammu University on March 04, 2017.
Prof. M. R. Ravi, Mr. Davinder Pal Singh and Mr. Prabhat Kumar attended the above said science congress in Jammu and exhibited few prototypes.
3.2.5 Participated in Annual Tech. Fest 2017 on February 24-25, 2017 in IIT Delhi. Mr. Pawan, an M. Tech student in Applied Mechanics, Ms. Airin Dutta, an M. Tech. Student in Mechanical Engineering, and Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta demonstrated prototypes at the said event.
3.2.6 Destination North East 2017, organised by Ministry of Development of North East
Region (DoNER) at Chandigarh on March 06-08, 2017.Mr. Davinder Pal Singh and Mr. Prabhat Kumar attended the above said event at Chandigarh and exhibited few prototypes.
3.2.7 Sensitization of local Panchayat near the L&T Thermal Plant, Rajpura, Punjab on March 09, 2017.
Mr. Davinder Pal Singh and Mr. Prabhat Kumar attended the above said event at Rajpura, Punjab and exhibited few prototypes.
The meeting ended with vote of thanks


(Prof. S. K. Saha)

Coordinator/PI, RuTAG IIT Delhi





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